Restoration and Waterproofing Contractors, Inc., in Wichita has been working with Dondlinger Construction on building the new Immaculate Heart of Mary Convent and Chapel just south of Colwich. In 1976 three sisters came to Wichita following a directive from Rome and established the order. They have grown to 22 women and have never had a permanent home. This construction represents the first community to construct a convent in the state of Kansas in more than 100 years.As buildings are exposed to weather and time, they can be in need of refurbishing. Such is the case with the Capitol Federal Bank building at Nall and 95th in Overland Park. Restoration and Waterproofing Contractors, Inc., was subcontracted to clean and remove all exterior sealants. RWC then replaced all of the old exterior sealants with new material. After the materials cured, RWC installed an elastomeric coating to all remaining exposed aggregate panels, which brightened up the exterior. This project’s RWC foreman was Scott Pankratz.
The Immaculate Heart of Mary